
The report

Justice official to be nominated to top Labor slot

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to fill yet another second-term Cabinet vacancy, President Barack Obama is set to nominate Thomas Perez, an assistant attorney general, to be the next secretary of labor, the White House says.

If confirmed by the Senate, Perez, who has been head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division for 3½ years, would take over the Labor Department as Obama undertakes several worker-oriented initiatives, including an overhaul of immigration laws and an increase in the minimum wage.

Before taking the job as assistant attorney general, the 51-year-old Perez was secretary of Maryland's Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, which enforces state consumer rights, workplace safety and wage and hour laws.

Obama planned to announce Perez's nomination Monday morning at the White House.

In choosing Perez, the son of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, Obama would be placing an already high-ranking Hispanic official in a Cabinet slot. Perez, a lawyer with a degree from Harvard Law School, would replace Hilda Solis, a former California congresswoman and the nation's first Hispanic labor secretary.

Perez's nomination has been expected for weeks, and comes with vigorous support from labor unions and Latino groups.

But a newly released report by the Justice Department's inspector general is likely to provide fodder for Republicans who say the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been too politicized.

The report, released last week, said Perez gave incomplete testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights when he said the department's political leadership was not involved in the decision to dismiss three of the four defendants in a lawsuit the Bush administration brought against the New Black Panther Party.

The report also concluded that Perez did not intentionally mislead the commission and that the department acted properly.

Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa said Perez appeared to be "woefully unprepared to answer questions" from the Civil Rights Commission.

Lynn Rhinehart, general counsel at the AFL-CIO, said the report shows that Perez, who was first hired by the civil rights division as a career attorney under President George H.W. Bush, restored integrity to the voting rights program at the Justice Department.

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<Left the local farmland seeking broad> (Toru-Wakui) Growers Association representative Akitakomachi Ogata parents' 63-year-old is making rice farmers (Tokamachi now) Tokamachi Niigata rice Sanchoku T. Wakui 60,000 customers . No particular resistance to take over the family business, I have to go to vocational school after high school agriculture. At that time, from someone you know, you have been recommended a settlement is to Ogata, Akita Prefecture was born in 1964 as a district model of large-scale farming. Ogata that can make large-scale paddy rice, which is also 10 hectares of agricultural land of more than five times the home was attractive. After all, over the objections of relatives, houses and farmland to dispose of home, family and I emigrated en masse. Fourth settlers in 1970, is at the age of 22. With the set-aside policy that began <continued to resist the national set-aside policy> in 1970, we were asked to nearly half of the agricultural land in the field. However, drainage is poor in soft, Ogata ground is unsuitable for field crops. Moreover,R4i SDHC 3DS 平均株価は前日比31円16銭高の1万1683円45銭と小幅続伸, they are not eligible for financial incentives to be delivered to the crop rotation farmers, settlers, he will be suffering from repayment of debt laden to purchase farmland. Think of life "does not hold if you do not focus on rice," and continued to planting more than half of the agricultural land contrary to the request of the country, province and country, faced with the "early harvest" harvest the rice just before harvest you've been. I was followed reluctantly, I am about some people in the country were repurchased farmland planted over a defined area. I was also hard to sell black market sale of rice audience. Because you did not buy a collection of ordinary rice farmers of the village only, do not cooperate to set-aside, we can not help looking to sell themselves. Akita Prefecture is also, in addition to performing 24 hours a checkpoint, charged with violation of the Food Control Law farmer who sold rice "darkness", has received questioning from police and prosecutors, too. However, everyone, even non-prosecution became farmers checkpoint is released about two months, was accused. This is why I have been proved to be rice farmers to sell to make freely is that, no problem at all. I considered a new start this year, 87 the eve of the age of 40, founded the "Growers Association Akitakomachi Ogata," he began selling farm-fresh with a courier. Our company which <the chance to pinch> was the forerunner of business Sanchoku agricultural products, agricultural cooperatives have been guarded for regulatory presence will was like "bump on the eye." Pressure is applied to the courier company and the "Do not use it to carry rice association" from agricultural cooperatives, 10 days, in 1989, I was no longer able to ship rice. Support 42 years ago [1970], and other settlers in the village of Ogata training camp from all over the country. Immediately, addressed to the audience of about 10,000 people across the country are, Mr. Wakui second person I sent a letter with "Please everyone for your support" from the left. Then, come to the TV coverage, much attention was paid to the contrary, I have gained in the audience is 60 000 people. I was able to change into opportunities pinch as a result, I'm really serious thing that can no longer ship the rice. In food law enforcement in 1995, selling rice by farmers officially recognized, can now finally be business as usual for us. <Environment surrounding agriculture have changed greatly> spend most farmers against the (Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement) TPP now. I think "We should agree that the life of salaried workers bought me a crop becomes rich." But. Many office workers but it is a duty to have export-related industry. Of course, because cheap agricultural products coming from abroad, the price difference is I get guaranteed income (such as door-to-door income compensation). Lower production costs and promote the integration of agricultural land, to increase the value added by processing agricultural products to sell to the world. I think, not only from the perspective of domestic agriculture in Japan, and the need to look outside more. (Biography) ◇ (Hideji Osato bureau Akita listener) in 1948, was born in Niigata Prefecture. Tokamachi Prefectural High School through 1967, the Prefectural Education Center farming, settlers in the village of Ogata, Akita Prefecture in 1970. Founded the association in 1987, incumbent. In watching movies, hobbies times are from February to March a visit to the cinema with my family. Holiday fun visiting hot springs around the Northeast. Established "such a company" in 1987. Deployed for individual and corporate customers and sales of farm-fresh "Akitakomachi". About 100 units, about 60,000 farmers contract customers (as of the end of April 2012). Place the branch office, Osaka,8895, Nagoya, Sapporo and Tokyo and employs 130 people. Sales for the year ended 24 September 1999 was ¥ 4.2 billion. (Yomiuri Shimbun, June 11, 2012)


R4i GOLD 3DS  日本のエース田中が復調へのきっかけをつかんだ

田中、キューバから5連続K エース復調の兆し WBC(6日WBC1次ラウンド、日本3―6キューバ) 日本のエース田中が復調へのきっかけをつかんだ,プラダ アウトレット 部屋中が油っぽいにおいになるし、廃油の処理も面倒です。 4回に2番手でマウンドへ。フェルナンデスに中前安打を許し、セペダには右中間適時二塁打を浴びた,プラダ トートバッグ を発表。わずか5球で失点した。

グッチ ベルト は21万2700件の純増だった

ドコモ、2月の携帯契約が2カ月ぶり純増 MNPは転出超で厳しさ続く携帯電話大手3社が7日発表した2月の携帯電話・PHSの契約数によると、NTTドコモは新規契約から解約を差し引いた純増減が14万3400件の純増となった, 同会議は1999年から毎年、韓国と日本で交互に開催されている。1月は昨年11月以来、2カ月ぶりの純減が強いられたが、2月上旬に発売したソニー製のスマートフォン(高機能携帯電話)「エクスペリアZ」などの春商戦モデルの販売が好調で巻き返した,R4i と休戦協定。 2月の純増減数はソフトバンクモバイルが25万5300件の純増で、14カ月連続のトップ。KDDI(au)は21万2700件の純増だった。両社ともに、米アップルの人気スマホ「iPhone(アイフォーン)5」や1月末から開始した学割キャンペーンなどが契約増に貢献した。 通信会社を変えても同じ番号を使える「番号持ち運び制度(MNP)」ではKDDIが6万2900件の転入超で、17カ月連続のトップ。ソフトバンクモバイルも3万1200件の転入超。ドコモは9万3200件の転出超となり、厳しい状況が続いている。中国勢におびえる韓国サムスン 生き残りでシャープと共同戦線

プラダ サングラス 日曜勝負レースはこの記者に注目


 タカライーグルが先手を取り、中盤にペースを落とす展開。エターナルスターが2番手につけ、1番人気のニシノヘリオスも3番手のインで流れに乗る,高い1万2433円60銭で取引が始まった。淡々と流れて、直線に向くと2番手からエターナルスターが抜け出しを図るが、それを目標に乗られたニシノヘリオスがあっさりとかわして先頭へ。坂を駆け上がった後も脚いろは衰えず、力強く押し切って新馬勝ちを飾った,モンクレール レディース ダウン 中国の追悼式欠席で官房長官「遺憾」。好位からそつなくインを立ち回った8番人気ユキアカリノマチが直線で伸びて3/4馬身差の2着に食い込み、外を回ってじりじり伸びた5番人気アトラスバローズが1馬身3/4差の3着。

 ニシノヘリオスは、父アグネスタキオン、母キャッスルブラウン、母の父Silver Hawkという血統。従姉妹に小倉2歳Sを制したデグラーティアがいる。

 北村宏騎手は「少しムキになるかと思ったけど、風が強く(馬が)フワフワしていたので、気合をつけながら競馬をしました。まだ本気になっていないけど、きょうのところはよかったと思います。いい馬ですし、競馬を覚えてくれば変わってきそうです」とさらなる成長を見込んでいた。【関連記事】 中山6Rの着順・払戻金 【中山牝馬S】最新ナマ情報 ドバイGI出走トレイルブレイザーは10着 ファリダット、ドバイGIIIで9着 春競馬もおまかせ!日曜勝負レースはこの記者に注目!

フェンディトートバッグ 共同

「シー・シェパードの妨害は海賊行為」米高裁が認定米サンフランシスコの連邦高裁は25日、反捕鯨団体「シー・シェパード」による日本の調査捕鯨の妨害を、国際法が禁じる「海賊行為」と認定する決定を下した。日本鯨類研究所(東京)が妨害の差し止めなどを求めた訴訟の過程で判断した。 高裁はさらに同団体に対し、この訴訟でシアトルの連邦地裁が詳しく審理して判決を出すまで、妨害行為をやめるよう命じる仮処分決定を出した,iphone5 ケース ランキング Firefox Disable Default PDF Viewer / Plugin。また、日本側による妨害差し止めの仮処分申請を退けた同地裁の判事を、訴訟から外すことも決定した,http://www.tokyo-gucci.com 【第51期十段戦】井山十段が先勝 五番勝負第1局《棋譜再現》井山裕太十段。 日本側の主張を大筋で認め、同団体にとっては極めて厳しい判断。 高裁は、抗議船を捕鯨船に衝突させたり、捕鯨船のスクリューを壊したりする行為は明確に「暴力」だと認定。同団体によるこうした捕鯨妨害は、自らの目的のために暴力を行使する「海賊行為」だと指摘した。(共同)気象庁の船がシーシェパードの手に…関係者は複雑(産経フォト)

モンクレール 新作 その重みを改めて感じた」

【3人死刑執行】死刑制度「見直す必要なし」 谷垣法相明言、慎重派には危機感「人の命を奪う極めて重大な刑。その重みを改めて感じた」,「『あいつをやっちまえ。就任から約2カ月で3人の死刑執行を命じた谷垣禎一法相は、21日の会見で慎重に検討した上での判断だったことを強調した。死刑制度をめぐっては国内外からの反対意見も根強い。ただ、谷垣氏は「制度の大綱について現時点で見直す必要はないと考えている」と明言し、肯定的な姿勢を改めて示した。 ■「内政上の問題…」 「死刑制度の賛成、反対があるのはよく承知しているが、犯罪抑止や被害者感情などさまざまな事情で存続してきた」。就任以降、執行に前向きな発言を続けてきた谷垣氏は、執行後の会見でもこう話した。 さらに、判決確定から6カ月以内に死刑を執行しなければならないとした刑事訴訟法の規定を挙げ、「法の精神を無視するわけにはいかない」と言及した。 日本が死刑制度を存続していることについては国連などから批判もある。しかし、谷垣氏は「死刑は極めて大きな内政上の問題。治安維持や国民感情という観点をしっかり考えるべきだ」との考えを示した。 政権交代前の民主党政権下では千葉景子氏が平成22年に執行して以降、短期間での法相交代が続いたことなどで執行が途絶え、23年は19年ぶりに「未執行年」となっていた。<, 11年は都内全体で約4万2300台; 前のページ123次のページ >

フェンディ バック ドミニカ共和国

【ボクシング】亀田興毅の相手、6位のパジャーノに変更 4月7日の防衛戦ボクシングの亀田ジムは12日、世界ボクシング協会(WBA)バンタム級王者の亀田興毅が4月7日に大阪市のボディメーカーコロシアムで行う6度目の防衛戦の相手が、同級6位のフアンカルロス・パジャーノ(ドミニカ共和国)に変更されたと発表した。 対戦予定だった同級8位のジョンフレス・パレホ(ベネズエラ)の陣営にトラブルがあったため、WBAが変更した。亀田興毅は「どんな状況でも勝つのがチャンピオン」と話した。 28歳のパジャーノは2004年アテネ、08年北京五輪のフライ級に出場した,SFTS。左ボクサーファイターでプロ戦績は12戦全勝(6KO)。同じタイプの亀田興毅は「サウスポーとやるのは久しぶりだから、練習しないといけない」と意気込んだ, 日産は現在、三菱自やスズキからOEM


世界規模のサイバースパイ活動が明るみにロシアのセキュリティ企業であるカスペルスキーの発表によると、標的となった国は日本などを含む69か国に及ぶ,ガスは星を成長させるへその緒のようなものだという。このスパイ活動は現在も続いているという。スパイ活動の被害にあった69の国とその機関を示す表。 世界各国の政府や外交官、調査機関などを標的に、高度で組織的なスパイ作戦が少なくとも5年にわたって行われていたと、ロシアのセキュリティ企業であるカスペルスキーが発表している。 カスペルスキーによれば、同社が「Red October」と呼ぶこのスパイ作戦は、東欧や中央アジアなどの国々を主な標的とし、コンピューターやスマートフォン、USBスティックなどから文書やデータを収集するというもので、このスパイ活動は現在も続いているという。 標的となった国は全部で69か国にも及び、東欧や中央アジアの国が多いものの、米国やオーストラリア、アイルランド、スイス、ベルギー、ブラジル、スペイン、南アフリカ、日本、アラブ首長国連邦なども含まれるという。カスペルスキーは被害にあったのが「重要な組織」とし、政府機関や大使館、核・エネルギー関連の研究施設や石油・ガス・航空宇宙関連の企業が含まれるとしたが、その具体名は明らかにしていない。< 前のページ12次のページ >,中に入れられた結晶を鑑定した結果、覚醒剤であることが判明した;


広告不況でもテレビは高給確保、東電は107万減 -年収&生涯賃金2012【情報通信・ガス・電力・サービス】----------




CEOは人民解放軍出身 海外で警戒されるルーターを扱う国内電話各社米アップルのスマートフォン(高機能携帯電話)「iPhone(アイフォーン)5」の注文受け付けが始まった翌日、近所の携帯電話ショップに早速、予約に行った。店員は「2日間で予約は300件を超えました」といささか疲れた様子,iphone4 ケース シリコン 7513。(産経新聞編集委員・宮野弘之 フジサンケイビジネスアイ) 手続きを終えて、さて帰ろうとすると、店員が「ちょっと、お待ちください。タダで高速無線通信ルーターがもらえるサービスがあります」。自宅のインターネット回線と合わせたサービスで、端末代金がただになるという。 が、機器についた商標が「HUAWEI(ファーウエイ)」となっているのを見て契約するのをやめた。店員は理由がわからず、当惑しているようだった。 たしかにファーウエイは、世界最大の通信機器メーカーで、いまや日本の次世代高速通信(LTE)用を含む携帯無線ルーターは同社製がほとんど。主力と位置づけるKDDI(au)、ソフトバンクモバイル、イー・アクセスはもちろん、NTTドコモも同社製品を扱っている。それ以上にファーウエイは基地局など日本国内での通信網の構築も請け負っている。 しかし、米国やインド、オーストラリアなどでは、ファーウエイの参入は政府によって制限されているのだ。店員はともかく、電話各社が、このことを知らないわけはない。「スパイ活動はしてません」 華為技術が宣言<,9402; 前のページ12次のページ >


セリーヌ ハンカチ View Photo

Study: Even ancient mummies had clogged arteriesRelated Content prevnext
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    In this photo released Sunday March&hellip,セリーヌ 傘 displaying the power system diagram;

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    LONDON (AP) — Even without modern-day temptations like fast food or cigarettes, people had clogged arteries some 4,000 years ago, according to the biggest-ever study of mummies searching for the condition.

    Researchers say that suggests heart disease may be more a natural part of human aging rather than being directly tied to contemporary risk factors like smoking, eating fatty foods and not exercising.

    CT scans of 137 mummies showed evidence of atherosclerosis, or hardened arteries, in one third of those examined, including those from ancient people believed to have healthy lifestyles. Atherosclerosis causes heart attacks and strokes. More than half of the mummies were from Egypt while the rest were from Peru, southwest America and the Aleutian islands in Alaska. The mummies were from about 3800 B.C. to 1900 A.D,セリーヌ ハンカチ.

    "Heart disease has been stalking mankind for over 4,000 years all over the globe," said Dr,gucci ベルト. Randall Thompson, a cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City and the paper's lead author.

    The mummies with clogged arteries were older at the time of their death,http://www.prada-tokyo.org, around 43 versus 32 for those without the condition. In most cases, scientists couldn't say whether the heart disease killed them.

    The study results were announced Sunday at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology in San Francisco and simultaneously published online in the journal Lancet.

    Thompson said he was surprised to see hardened arteries even in people like the ancient Aleutians who were presumed to have a healthy lifestyle as hunter-gatherers.

    "I think it's fair to say people should feel less guilty about getting heart disease in modern times," he said. "We may have oversold the idea that a healthy lifestyle can completely eliminate your risk,5208,プラダ トートバッグ."

    Thompson said there could be unknown factors that contributed to the mummies' narrowed arteries. He said the Ancestral Puebloans who lived in underground caves in modern-day Colorado and Utah, used fire for heat and cooking, producing a lot of smoke.

    "They were breathing in a lot of smoke and that could have had the same effect as cigarettes," he said.

    Previous studies have found evidence of heart disease in Egyptian mummies, but the Lancet paper is the largest survey so far and the first to include mummies elsewhere in the world.

    Dr. Frank Ruehli of the University of Zurich, who runs the Swiss Mummy Project, said it was clear atherosclerosis was notably present in antiquity and agreed there might be a genetic predisposition to the disease.

    "Humans seem to have a particular vulnerability (to heart disease) and it will be interesting to see what genes are involved," he said. Ruehli was not connected to the study. "This is a piece in the puzzle that may tell us something important about the evolution of disease."

    Other experts warned against reading too much into the mummy data.

    Dr. Mike Knapton, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said calcified arteries could also be caused by other ailments including endocrine disorders and that it was impossible to tell from the CT scans if the types of calcium deposits in the mummies were the kind that would have sparked a heart attack or stroke.

    "It's a fascinating study but I'm not sure we can say atherosclerosis is an inevitable part of aging," he said, citing the numerous studies that have showed strong links between lifestyle factors and heart disease.

    Researcher Thompson advised people to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible, noting that the risk of heart disease could be reduced with good eating habits, not smoking and exercising. "We don't have to end up like the mummies," he said,ipad2 ケース キャラクター struck out one. The game was 12-2. [Co],モンクレール moncler.




  • 2013年1月16日星期三

    AKB48 TeamB

    "AKB 0048" next OP NO NAME is the grand theme song "master" of the sound!
    National idol group AKB48 as the theme, "Macross" series of Kawamori Masaharu and satellite released a new generation of SF× × idol animation "AKB 0048" next grand OP titled "the sound" the main things clear!

    [other photos] "NO NAME" members of the reviews included
    Above 200
    bear singer, for more than 0048 "AKB48" knockout "seiyuu graduate members", AKB48, SKE48, NMB48 members "AKB 0048" defined "NO NAME" (a dream team of quick Huili (CV:AKB48 Mayu Watanabe / A team), Aida One (CV: Nakatani Aka / AKB48 K group), a friend song (CV: Misaki Sato Amina / AKB48 K group), the East cloud there (CV: Ishida Haruka / AKB48 TeamB), the East cloud Chu (CV: Yako Kumi / SKE48 S team), Kishida Mimori (CV: Katayama Haruka / AKB48 team A), Sakisuzu Ko (CV: my God Sa Kazuko / SKE48 KII), Yokomizo Haruka Motohashi (CV: Mita Mao / NMB48 M), Motomiya Sa (CV: Yantian China flow / AKB48 team A)].The August 24, 2012 meeting of the "AKB48 in TOKYO DOME ~ 1830 m dream", their future activities in the front of the stage of nearly 50000 viewers debut is also noteworthy.

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    - "AKB 0048" next grand theme song is "NO NAME" first grand continue to play!

    OP theme song "the leading voice."
    ED theme song "tears to you."

    < NO > NAME members
    quick Huili CV: Mayu Watanabe (AKB48 group A)
    Lantian textile sound CV: Nakatani Aka (AKB48 K)
    a song CV: Misaki Sato Amina (AKB48 K)
    CV: the East cloud Fang Ishida Haruka (AKB48 TeamB)
    dawn Chu CV: Yako Kumi (SKE48 S)
    Kishida Mimori: Katayama Haruka CV (AKB48 group A)
    Kanzaki bell CV: and I'm Sa Kazuko (SKE48 KII)
    transverse groove Makoto CV: Mita Mao (NMB48 M)
    the palace Zhisha CV: Iwata Karin (AKB48 group A)

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    OP and ED theme. First messenger decided!

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    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    David Zhi jun

    Jaguar Yokota, infertility treatment discontinuation must also have "give up the courage......"
    female occupation wrestling craftsman Jaguar Cross (51), in third years of infertility treatment, the results appear. The rest of the blog said.

    [Photos] over the same period, Mimi Hagiwara and "106 double" gathering in crowds and groups of the Jaguar cross

    Jaguar in 2004 Dr. Kinoshita Hiroseung married to mr..Infertility treatment of severe (IVF) continue, once barren discontinued treatment after the natural pregnancy, 06 years in November first children became the eldest son · David Zhi (here), was awarded the.At that time, Jaguar 45 years old growth and attract sb.'s attention.

    the infertility treatment, and then challenge, David Zhi jun, in order to be dependent brother "idea.09 years in September to continue.

    Jaguar 13, update the blog, blood hormone values does not look for the results you want status report."The courage to give up do not hold...Consider.

    11 David your chi is also difficult to "secretly baby maybe!"To convey the place, or indeed, crying, "O Vishi brothers wanted him to do...David will think hard "painful heart biography.This month

    infertility treatment to stop?Make a decision that Jaguar, "fight to the last!!To finally quit trying. "He, like shrimp will for flying for excitation.Related articles] [Jaguar Yokota, Mimi Hagiwara and miracle "106 double into women's wrestling" "never heard it before." "...10 count to retire withdraw infertility treatment "mutual" Mr. Mona wishes of grapefruit Ping, "open sexual harassment" the goat KO!Jaguar Yokota, Kinoshita Hiroseung women's occupation wrestler, investigation
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    I'm 64 years old

    Lateshi, 18 years on the outgoing chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
    [Berlin] = Matsui healthy the conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra chief Simon · who Lateshi; 10, now the contract with the summer of 2018 as show.Karajan and once, control RA group, led the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is the orchestra of the peak a.After the selection of classical music fans attention.
    The outgoing
    Orchestra personnel meeting with Phil's intention.

    LVL is Liverpool born british.Italy's Claudio · and 02 years as division I-mode's successor as chief conductor.Keep open, concert live online, and the children's education projects to thing has been very high appraisal.

    LVL, "Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra work together 18 years 16 years.Close to me 64 years old birthday.Who was the great orchestral should bear the.".One fellow Beatles song, "I'm 64 years old, I need you" have to "ask yourself, is described.Asahi Shimbun
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    The report] ["EVA" "EVA", based on the, see "history" - shows total above 21000 and proud of the "EVANGELION 100" Exhibition
    ● " the EVA, "Mr. anno their order, founding period support items
    1995 TV animation "Evangelion", in 2012 the latest work "Q" released "you tap tap, rehabilitation, new theatre" series.And, in the future, "and released, you tap tap, laboratory, theater version"."EVA" this film for a long time to get a lot of support, work around the many collaboration was born.

    [expand portraits and other paintings]
    100 varieties of
    from the "RADIO EVA" strict selection of the selected · display, now, Shibuya PARCO Exhibition "EVANGELION 100".Nagoya, Osaka · Umeda and tour the exhibition venue, before the general public in Tokyo held to preview the way.
    Ayanami "garage kit
    , EVA -" first people also show

    to enter the venue will attract sb.'s attention, "the official is drawing reference model universal battle weapon EVA unit-01 (1994).".This is a general model, now the mainstream painting completed · plastic model; model, resin distribution role model "assembly type but a small amount of production of the" garage kit.Ano Hidea's own expense, animation art when the reference can be made to be the.

    beside it, the garage kit Takara first making Ayanami wreath of (prototype: decorated with Teraoka Kuniki).This is 1996, January held in the garage kit amateur Exhibition "Magic Festival" was released.The activity is proud of the mobilization of 50000 very large activities now, also lost playing at that time, the garage kit goods less "EVA" produced a lot of things also, one reason that growth.

    , cooperative commodity No. first is born unexpectedly enterprises and cooperation
    the first enterprise, animated and at the same time period, in 1996 began to set up individual service started the Internet supplier "DTI".The membership of the mouse pad are made, memorable EVA No. first.

    in addition, rare local, national higher school recruitment poster (1996) also show.Shinji and Asuka · Lei School scene fresh paint.Educational institutions, at present only 1 times.

    (c) color

    ● canned coffee from art and fashion - spread to cooperateCommercial
    a number of enterprise cooperation, breathing long "UCC milk coffee Evangelion tank" human can plan "(1996 ~).".The debut of familiar commodity printed characters tank, but this is the TV animated version of Michiru should room UCC coffee with milk stage to do as an opportunity to start UCC, old theatrical release during production.

    in addition, the new movie "order" began Rosen and security cooperation as an opportunity to "Rosen × you tap tap, laboratory now, -, group, (2009)" attract sb.'s attention also remember.UCC collaboration tank Rosen who saw the perhaps more.Rosen original cartoon works joint products, this and buy the folder sent structure in recent years is the collaboration of various works to see, this is the "EVA" successful cooperation began.

    ○ EVA collaboration Hakone "Third New Tokyo city"

    EVA stage of the "Third New Tokyo city", the actual existence in Hakone names on impact, in collaboration with the planning of "Hakone Hakone as Third New Tokyo City (2009)" held.The project began to tourists induced youth layer goal is "Hakone aid map" free school, first middle school "waste as the venue of the activities, try more fans gathered clever.

    in addition, this cooperation, to 2011, Toyota car in, "you tap tap, and rehabilitation., Hakone × × TOYOTA power aid project in Third New Tokyo first middle school" in the name of the activities."Prius PHV agency NERV public car was identified" settings, NERV patterns show the prius.

    , entertainment industry is also "EVA" active

    TV animated version player trading came to about 1996, game machine "on the Sega saturn".This paper making and other staff made the hardware and software, released in 1998 "Evangelion EVA and good partners".Related articles:


    Shintaro Ishihara's film director challenge again!?
    former governor of Tokyo, Japan will reform represented by Mr. Shintaro Ishihara (80) planning, the original film "Aoki original" (Metro Zhuo directed) 12, ushered in the first day of release, Tokyo Yurakucho trap seat starring Katsuno Yo (63), Maeda Aki (27), the stage greeting.

    Mr. Ishihara day, a party of reform, and the absence of new director comments, read."The next time I film director once again challenge (58 years young beast" director "), the words" good movie production, the rise of the shouting.

    now works, Ishihara is the "actor" is only one scene of the show, new director said: "(Ishihara act) pedicle to.Really want to cut, if so, immediately resigned as director on behalf of "reform!"Talking about because that, residual coding"."Direct joke ally" characteristic, the boiling up.Governor Shintaro Ishihara] [Association reported, "Aoki original" 47 years of film performance reform of Japan · Shintaro Ishihara represents life only one old man "go ballistic genius TV juvenile" popular child star, in the village of adult no desire benevolence beauty, clothes!...The movie "zombie" field name Geass AKB, like a dream of the stage version of "railroad man" in Shintaro Ishihara, Metro Zhuo, Katsuno Yo survey
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    in addition The Mirraz in February 13th is the larger 1st album &quot

    The Mirraz & SHIBUYA-AX next spring beard, and performance
    The Mirraz national tour of "our bad mood of this ~ misunderstanding of what the title ah tour 2012 ~" TNX "we had 2013", yesterday, · SHIBUYA-AX held in Tokyo in January 11th.Beard was a guest out moorhen.

    [more] large image

    the initiative as a beard, at the end of last year "12 / 13" Cherry communications JAPAN continue dancing around the country by Misaki Sato Suke (PhD) has 7 members.Misaki Sato "test" and "test Kang (PhD, Per) microphone hand stood in the center of the stage, the audience began to predict provocative beyond all expectations, impossible stage expansion.In three drum triple guitar Leis into unique complex ensemble, according to the song change the expression Sudo Ju (Vo, G) lead singer floor heat rises.Sudo "today is the highest in the evening." mood tone on disc, "new song please.We "an an boy's British · jokes" this song has, however, the sequel to write.1000000 sales target."Full of funny after saying, "an an boy's British · joke 2" announced the show.The second half of the concert approached, 7 games and more.And then finally, is "The Mirraz, thank you for today.So great to meet you i!"The Sudo's words of thanks, beard stage ended.

    the actor The Mirraz, the new year as "spring sea" SE debut.Rule eight and a piano sound overlap "Happy ice cream" prelude to be ringing, melody of the license plate number The Mirraz concert kicked off.The first song finished Zai mountain Pacific (Vo, G) is "thank you!Warmly. "Cried," occurred. "" E - blinking song "offensive repertoire, one after another.Col (DR) base coarse rhythm, Zai hill and Misaki Sato Hiko (G) collection of guitar correct around, Nakajima have (B) Georgia dimension based let the audience dancing.And Zai "beard is the highest mountain.Very handsome.Today is not lost!"At top speed, assertion, that "freeway of star (Provisional)" down.

    in the "mother" "wake up in the morning," and moderate tempo music, audience comfortable development act.And "the album out next month.Dialect handsome can so please listen to the "new" super horn "game start.See things in a blur out high speed rock style, the audience very enthusiastic.Dark temperament "injury" is over, the concert to accelerate the climax.Zai hill "bang it out." "declaration, the final decoration" women & gentleman "of this" bad "upper number.Zai mountain is a tune or interludes between several times "thank you" "ikebana!"The audience shouted, LIVE fun to visit.

    repeat, Zai mountain stage from below to run import, side handle well disappear antics audience laughter.He: "I haven't run way to forget", while u middle glad that "TOP OF THE FUCK 'N WORLD" sing "we".And this day is also in response to the The Mirraz double.The 2013 offensive swear "Superman" I try to 4 people, "this year is a lot of attention!"And audience told the stage now.

    in addition The Mirraz in February 13th is the larger 1st album "was chosen here, choosing instead to the" for sale.From April to tour "was selected to go there, there are not choosing to travel" the 18 venue was.

    The Mirraz "we had 2013."
    January 11, 2013 (Friday) Tokyo SHIBUYA-AX set list

    1 happy ice cream
    1 happened
    3 E - blinking song
    4 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5 for Q10
    6 Highway Star (temporary).
    7 be about test have
    9 wake up in the morning,
    10.I don 't said what if
    11 super horn
    12 it out!To view the it out!To view the it out!To view the it out!
    thirteen what is good.
    .Injury of 15 ms & gentleman
    16 CAN jacket monster that appeared to undermine the World Bank
    18 last number
    19 this mood of evil
    < Encore?Message >
    21 we
    < double available >
    22 I am superman Association reported [] The Mirraz "choose to go there" spring records.Hair tour of 150000 5000 people attend!Related articles:


    Taiwan skate Sousse "8" with the ultra-thin computer published
    [New York] = Mizewen computer market share in the world the fifth the Taiwan skate Sousse 23 PM (Japan time 24 days morning), the United States of New York, the United States of America's most basic Microsoft software (OS) "Windows 8" with the new products, a total of 6 series of releases.The most senior line, ultra light ASUS notebook computer "TAICHI (skate Sousse center test Internet)" (1299 ~ 1599 dollar = 100000 ~ 130000 yen).Desktop lateral also has the largest window panel, desktop notebook open, gently close your eyes just like using a flat terminal.Two pictures at the same time, also in the business field, meet each other when is convenient.The company's Johnny · marine president will be released, "the Internet Center test you, is really a perfect partner.".In Japan during November, 120000 ~ 130000 yen per sale prospect.The Japanese market share remained at around 5%, the company's new product investment, stage a comeback goal considering.
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    『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』公式店舗大会“アリスカップ”の実施が決定! 参加賞はPRアリスのカ

    『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』公式店舗大会“アリスカップ”の実施が決定! 参加賞はPRアリスのカード
     スクウェア・エニックスは、アーケードゲーム『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』の公式店舗大会“アリスカップ”を、全国300箇所以上の稼動店舗にて実施することを発表した。

    大会概要:32名によるトーナメント形式の店舗大会となります。参加者全員に参加賞としてPR使い魔カード「アリス」をプレゼント! また、優勝者にはアリスの世界観を意識した大判(B2サイズ)の賞状が授与されます。賞状の裏面にはPRアリスのイラストと、イラストレーターである匡吉氏のサインが印刷されております。
    開催店舗:2012年12月28日(金)16時に『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』公式サイトにて全開催店舗・開催日・大会レギュレーション公開。(予定)

    ※公式店舗大会“アリスカップ”は、各店舗ごとに開催される公式大会です。(それによる上位大会、特別称号授与等はございません)【関連記事】 『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』公式店舗大会“アリスカップ”の実施が決定! 参加賞はPRアリスのカード 『ペルソナ』シリーズとのコラボも実施! 新バージョン『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン Re:2 ~再征~』が秋より稼働 『ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンRe:2』年末年始にかけたお得なキャンペーンが発表 豪華スペシャルカード第26弾の応募受付も開始
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    [マイナビニュース]【関連記事】 上海問屋、ケーブルの絡まりを防止できる巻取り式ACアダプター用電源コード 上海問屋、iPhone/iPadを車内でチャージできるシガーソケットUSB充電器 上海問屋、2.5インチSSDやHDDをリアスロットに格納できるマウンタ 車で複数のスマホなどを充電。4,600mAh高出力のシガーソケット充電ケーブル 上海問屋、マクロ撮影時に便利なヘッドが驚くほどスムーズに動く雲台
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    蓄電池で進む“価格破壊” 扱い容易「持ち運び型」に参入続々

    蓄電池で進む“価格破壊” 扱い容易「持ち運び型」に参入続々
    家庭向けの簡易蓄電池で“価格破壊”が進みはじめた。節電や防災意識が高まる中、扱いが容易な「持ち運び型」に大手や異業種が相次ぎ参入。海外部材の活用で低価格化を図るなど、競争が激化しつつある。 充電器などの輸入販売を行うワンゲイン(大阪市浪速区)は11月、持ち運びが容易で住宅のコンセントから充電できる家庭用蓄電池「キャリ電」を発売した。価格は電池容量によって異なるが、照明器具なら12時間、電気毛布は2~4時間使用できるタイプで約9万3千円と、10万円を切る水準にした。 同製品は、電流を直流から交流に変換する装置を台湾から、バッテリーは鉛蓄電池を韓国から仕入れ、自社で組み立てることで低価格化を実現した。すでに神戸市内の病院に導入されているほか、大手不動産管理会社もマンションへの設置を検討しているという。 同様の持ち運べる蓄電池では、シャープが9月にリチウムイオン電池を使い、大型冷蔵庫を約3時間半動かせる製品を31万円で発売。日立マクセルも今春、ポータブル蓄電池(16万円)を発売している。ワンゲインの梅千得(ばい・ちえる)社長は「非常用電源ならば(リチウムイオン電池など)過剰な機能は不要。まず安価で普及をはかる」と強調した。 家庭用太陽光発電装置などに接続する定置型の蓄電池は1キロワット時あたり30万円弱からで、導入に150万円以上かかるケースがほとんど。容量こそ小さいが非常時などの対策として持ち運び型蓄電池の低価格化が進めば、市場拡大に拍車をかけそうだ。
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    Xi 100Mbpsフィールドテストリポート【愛媛県編】

    Xi 100Mbpsフィールドテストリポート【愛媛県編】
    11月16日にNTTドコモがサービスを開始した「docomo LTE Xi下り最大100Mbps」のフィールドテスト特集第3弾は、愛媛県での測定結果リポートです。電波測定の背景や計測方法などについてお伝えした「【はじめに】」と併せてご参照ください。


    ※スピードテスト結果の表は、標準計測回数を7回とし、未計測の場合は空欄、計測1度の場合は平均値表記なしとしている。 LTE接続できない場合は計測回数が0または1回としている。





     Xi 1.5GHz・15MHz幅での計測結果は、高知よりも速い下り最速91.79Mbps・上り最速22.91Mbpsという結果であった。 RBB Todayの平均値下り86.1Mbps・上り18.91という結果も非常に高速だ。


     他社のネットワーク状況については、au 4G LTEが下り最速19.27Mbps・上り最速17.06Mbpsということでやや弱いもののシッカリ、EMOBILE LTEは、モバイルWi-FiルーターGL04P+OptimusGで下り最速11.56Mbps・上り最速12.79と良好な結果に。

     そしてSoftBank 4G(AXGP)は、RAZR M 201Mでの計測結果が下り最速48.54Mbps・上り最速8.4Mbpsという結果で路地にしてはかなり速い状態だった。

     Xi 2.1GHzは、5MHz幅だったが、下り最速23.93Mbps・上り最速5.95Mbpsと非常に高速なネットワークの状態であったので、2012秋以前のモデルでも快適に利用できるエリアと言える。




     その他の回線では、EMOBILE LTEが非LTEエリアで、SoftBank4Gも同様にLTEエリア外でかつ異常に遅い状態だった。しかしau 4G LTEは下り最速33.55Mbps・上り最速18.77Mbpsと下り上りともに高速安定性を保っており、想定通りではあるが、四国内はドコモとKDDIの一騎打ち状態だと感じる結果であった。





     高速ネットワークを体感したいならば、早々に(収容するユーザが増える前に)、実際にスピードが出たポイントで時間帯などを見計らって試してほしい。【関連記事】 Xi 100Mbpsフィールドテストリポート【高知県編】 Xi 100Mbpsフィールドテストリポート【はじめに】 神尾寿のMobile+Views:大都市部でも100Mbps対応――仙台でXi高速サービス開始 神尾寿のMobile+Views:条件がよければ固定網より速い!? ドコモのLTE 「Xi」100Mbpsサービスの実力 ドコモ、一部地域で「Xi」の通信速度を下り最大100Mbpsに高速化
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    ■世界一周のはずが…在住42年 北欧フィンランドの冬は暗くて長い。しかし、同国で40年以上活躍する日本人デザイナーは、その過酷さゆえの美と豊かさがあるという。モダンなテキスタイルで世界的に知られるブランド、「マリメッコ」のデザイナーを長年務めたのち、陶芸作家として土と格闘する日々を送っている。(文・黒沢綾子)                   ◇ --ヘルシンキはこの時期、日が短いんですよね 石本 日の出は午前9時ごろ、日没は午後3時ごろです。雪景色になれば気分も上がりますが、今年はまだ積もるほど降らなくて、どんよりしてますね。でも、クリスマスの電飾で街は華やかですよ。子供たちは喜んでます。 --すてきですね。42年前の1970年、初めてフィンランドを訪れたのも、冬が始まるころだったとか 石本 飛行機で上空から見下ろすと、一面、真っ白の雪景色。すごくきれいでね、フィンランドに居着いた理由の一つかもしれない。 --最初からフィンランドに長く暮らす予定ではなかったそうで 石本 芸大でグラフィックデザインを専攻し、卒業後は(アパレルの)「市田」で呉服担当の広告デザイナーをしていた。今思えば自分に問題があるんだけど、仕事で欲求不満がたまっていた僕に、世界一周の旅を経験した友達が『外に出て社会勉強した方がいいんじゃない』と言った。学生運動が盛んな60年代末、若者の旅も一種のブームだったのかなあ。退職金や(愛車の)ホンダS600を売ったりして資金をつくり、世界一周の航空券を手に入れました。 --最初はどこへ? 石本 ニューヨークに40日ほどいました。でも、東京で海外のデザイン誌をたくさん見ていたせいか、すべて、知っている気がした。そこで、カナダ経由でロンドンに行くと色彩感覚が面白くて。何といっても、ゴミ袋がショッキングピンクだったこと! --パンクですね 石本 その後、デンマークのコペンハーゲンに入るころには持ち金も少なくなって…。日本を出てまだ3カ月。すぐに帰るのは恥ずかしい。生活費を稼ぐためレストランの皿洗いの職を得たんですが、やっぱりデザインの仕事がしたいと思い直し、結局その店には行かなかった。もし行っていたら、しばらく滞在してから日本に戻り、今とは全く違う人生だったでしょうね。 --まさに転機。でも、デザインの仕事を探すのは大変でしょう? 石本 ええ。でも来日経験のあるデンマーク人や、いろんな出会いがあって、最終的にフィンランドのマリメッコに何とかたどりついた。マリメッコの個性的なデザインには、学生時代から注目してたんです。 《マリメッコ社は51年創業。布地や服、インテリア雑貨などを展開。50年代に北欧デザインが世界的に注目されたことや、60年の米大統領選挙でジャクリーン・ケネディ夫人が鮮やかなマリメッコのドレスを愛用したことなどで、一気に認知度が高まった》 石本 創業者社長のアルミ・ラティアさんの面接を受けました。生まれて一度もプリントデザインをしたことがないくせに「やりたい」と言ったんです。むちゃくちゃです(笑)。でもどうにか、僕と同じ年の息子さんが経営するマリメッコの子会社に入れました。日用雑貨のギフト用商品を企画・販売する会社です。 --息子さんの回想によれば、アルミさんが「チャーミングな日本人男性がいる。英語もフィンランド語もしゃべらないけれど、すばらしい才能を感じるの」と採用を勧めてくれたそうで。言葉はどうしたんですか? 石本 辞書をひきながら。あと、マリメッコには当時(デザイナーの)脇阪克二さんがいたので、ずいぶん助けてもらいました。                   ◇【プロフィル】石本藤雄 いしもと・ふじお 昭和16(1941)年、愛媛県出身。71歳。東京芸大美術学部工芸科卒。45年からフィンランドの首都ヘルシンキに在住。平成22年、同国の芸術家に贈られる最高位「フィンランド獅子勲章プロ・フィンランディア・メダル」を受章。12~29日に東京・南青山の「スパイラル」で布と陶の個展が開かれる。
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    —Social Security payroll tax cut

    Details of legislation averting 'fiscal cliff'

    Highlights of a bill Congress passed Tuesday aimed at averting wide tax increases and budget cuts scheduled to take effect with the new year. The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years compared with tax policies that were due to expire at midnight Monday. It would also delay for two months across-the-board cuts to the budgets of the Pentagon and numerous domestic agencies.

    The House and Senate passed the bill Tuesday and sent it to President Barack Obama for his signature.

    Highlights include:

    —Income tax rates: Extends decade-old tax cuts on incomes up to $400,000 for individuals, $450,000 for couples. Earnings above those amounts would be taxed at a rate of 39.6 percent, up from the current 35 percent. Extends Clinton-era caps on itemized deductions and the phase-out of the personal exemption for individuals making more than $250,000 and couples earning more than $300,000.

    —Estate tax: Estates would be taxed at a top rate of 40 percent, with the first $5 million in value exempted for individual estates and $10 million for family estates. In 2012, such estates were subject to a top rate of 35 percent.

    —Capital gains, dividends: Taxes on capital gains and dividend income exceeding $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families would increase from 15 percent to 20 percent.

    —Alternative minimum tax: Permanently addresses the alternative minimum tax and indexes it for inflation to prevent nearly 30 million middle- and upper-middle-income taxpayers from being hit with higher tax bills averaging almost $3,000. The tax was originally designed to ensure that the wealthy did not avoid owing taxes by using loopholes.

    —Other tax changes: Extends for five years Obama-sought expansions of the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, and an up-to-$2,500 tax credit for college tuition. Also extends for one year accelerated "bonus" depreciation of business investments in new property and equipment, a tax credit for research and development costs and a tax credit for renewable energy such as wind-generated electricity.

    —Unemployment benefits: Extends jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed for one year.

    —Cuts in Medicare reimbursements to doctors: Blocks a 27 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors for one year. The cut is the product of an obsolete 1997 budget formula.

    —Social Security payroll tax cut: Allows a 2-percentage-point cut in the payroll tax first enacted two years ago to lapse, which restores the payroll tax to 6.2 percent.

    —Across-the-board cuts: Delays for two months $109 billion worth of across-the-board spending cuts set to start striking the Pentagon and domestic agencies this week. Cost of $24 billion is divided between spending cuts and new revenues from rule changes on converting traditional individual retirement accounts into Roth IRAs.

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    PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Two U.S. drone strikes on northwest Pakistan killed a senior Taliban commander who fought American forces in Afghanistan but had a truce with the Pakistani military, intelligence officials said Thursday.

    The commander, Maulvi Nazir, was among nine people killed in a missile strike on a house in the village of Angoor Adda in the South Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan late Wednesday night, five Pakistani security officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

    At least four people were killed in a separate drone strike on Thursday morning near Mir Ali, the main town of the North Waziristan tribal region.

    America's use of drones against militants in Pakistan has increased substantially under President Barack Obama and the program has killed a number of top militant commanders over the past year.

    But the drone strikes are extremely contentious in Pakistan, seen as an infringement on the country's sovereignty. And while the U.S. maintains that it targets militants, many Pakistanis complain that innocent civilians have also been killed.

    Nazir's killing could cause even more friction in the already tense relations between Washington and Islamabad. Pakistan is believed to have struck a nonaggression pact with Nazir ahead of its 2009 military operation against militants in South Waziristan.

    Fighters under Nazir's command focused their attacks on American forces in neighboring Afghanistan, earning him the enmity of the U.S.

    But many in Pakistan's military viewed Nazir and militant chiefs like him as "good Taliban," meaning they focus attacks only on foreign forces in Afghanistan, keeping domestic peace by not attacking Pakistani targets.

    Nazir outraged many Pakistanis in June when he announced that he would not allow any polio vaccinations in territory under his control until the U.S. stops drone attacks in the region.

    Pakistan is one of three countries where polio is still endemic. Nine workers helping in anti-polio vaccination campaigns were killed last month by militant gunmen and the killings this week of five female teachers and two aid workers may also have been linked to their work on the polio campaigns.

    Residents in Angoor Adda and Wana, the biggest town in South Waziristan, said mosque loudspeakers announced Nazir's death. One resident, Ajaz Khan, said 5,000 to 10,000 people attended the funeral of Nazir and six other people in Angoor Adda.

    Ahmed Yar, a resident who attended the funeral, said Nazir's body was badly burned and his face unrecognizable.

    Reports of individual deaths in such cases are often difficult to independently verify. Pakistani and foreign journalists have a hard time traveling to the remote areas where many of these strikes occur, and the U.S. rarely comments on its secretive drone program.

    Nazir was active in many parts of Afghanistan and had close ties with Arab members of al-Qaida as well as the Afghan Taliban, said Mansur Mahsud, the head of the Islamabad-based FATA Research Centre, which studies the tribal regions.

    "His death is a great blow to the Afghan Taliban," he said.

    The Taliban is a widely diverse group. The Afghan Taliban is made up mostly of Afghans who fight against U.S. and NATO troops. In Pakistan the group has been divided with some fighting the Pakistani government because of its support for the U.S. Other Taliban groups in Pakistan, such as Nazir's, focus their energies on fighting American and NATO troops in Afghanistan but have a truce with the Pakistani military.

    Nazir, who was believed to be about 40 years old, had property in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. He used to be a member of Hizb-e-Islami, a militant Islamist group run by former Afghan prime minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The group has thousands of fighters and followers across the north and east of Afghanistan.

    Nazir had survived several assassination attempts including at least two previous American drone strikes.

    In November, a suicide bomber tried to kill him as he was arriving at an office where he used to meet with local residents and hear their complaints. Nazir and more than a dozen other people were wounded in the attack, and seven were killed.

    No group claimed responsibility, but suspicion immediately fell on rival militants including the head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP), Hakimullah Mehsud, who had been jockeying with Nazir for power in South Waziristan. The TTP is an umbrella group of militants formed to oust the Pakistani government and install a hardline Islamist regime. They have been behind much of the violence tearing apart Pakistan in recent years.

    Nazir's non-aggression pact with the Pakistani military allowed the army to launch a massive operation in South Waziristan against the TTP which displaced more than 800,000 people and drove Hakimullah Mehsud from the region.

    In retaliation for the assassination attempt, Nazir expelled members of the Hakimullah's Mehsud tribe from Wana. Nazir was meeting with supporters to discuss how to deal with the TTP when the missiles struck on Wednesday night, said Mehsud from the FATA center.

    Nazir's group quickly appointed his close aide Bawal Khan as a replacement, according to one of Nazir's commanders. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

    But it remains to be seen what the new leader's policies will be and whether the tension with the TTP could lead to a power struggle in the region.

    "Trouble will follow," said Mehsud.

    The former chief of intelligence in northwest Pakistan, retired brigadier Asad Munir, said Nazir's killing will complicate the fight against militants in the tribal region, and could prompt Nazir's group to carry out retaliatory attacks against the Pakistani army in South Waziristan.

    It will also raise questions among military commanders here who would like the U.S. to use its firepower against the Pakistani Taliban, which attacks domestic targets, and not against militants like Nazir who aren't seen as posing as much of a threat to the state, Munir said.

    He added that the risk now for Pakistan is that the remnants of Nazir's group could join ranks with the Pakistani Taliban in its war with the government and army.

    Drone strikes have been on the rise during Obama's presidency.

    According to the Long War Journal, which tracks drone strikes, there were 35 strikes in Pakistan during 2008, the last year President George W. Bush was in office.

    That number shot up to 117 in 2010 and then dropped the 46 last year. The strike that killed Nazir was the first of 2013.

    The program has killed a number of top militant commanders over the past year, including al-Qaida's then-No. 2, Abu Yahya al-Libi, who died in a drone strike in June on the Pakistani village of Khassu Khel in North Waziristan.

    In August, another missile strike in North Waziristan killed Badruddin Haqqani, who has been described as the day-to-day operations commander of the Haqqani network, which has been blamed by the U.S. for carrying out some of the most high-profile attacks against American and NATO troops in Afghanistan.


    Associated Press writers Asif Shahzad and Rebecca Santana in Islamabad contributed to this report.


  • 2013年1月4日星期五

    even though there were none. Then

    Navy Launches Disturbing Anti-Bath Salts PSA

    A new, disturbing dramatization of a sailor ingesting "bath salts" and then having violent hallucinations is the latest salvo in the Navy's ongoing fight against synthetic drugs.

    The public service announcement, published online in December, puts the viewer in the shoes of a young sailor who snorts bath salts he received in the mail. A short time later the sailor vomits, but it isn't until he meets his girlfriend for bowling that hallucinations strike.

    Suddenly the girl appears demonic to the sailor and he assaults her. Later, the sailor's roommate also turns into a demon before the sailor apparently collapses. Woken in restraints as he's being brought to the hospital, the sailor groans in agony as medical professionals attempt to treat him. The video then shows Lt. George Loeffler, a Psychiatry Resident at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, as he describes the dangers of the drugs.

    "When people are using bath salts, they're not their normal selves," he says. "They're angrier. They're erratic. They're violent and they're unpredictable…. People will start seeing things that aren't there, believing things that aren't true."

    Loeffler said that the most disturbing thing about bath salts is that the effects of paranoia can last days or even weeks after the drugs have left the user's system.

    Bath salts, which were the subject of an ABC News' "20/20? investigation in June 2011, are chemicals meant to mimic the effects of cocaine, LSD or methamphetamine that at the time could be easily and legally sold to anyone - including minors - as long as the warning labels said they were not meant for human consumption. The chemicals have nothing to do with bathing products.

    Then in September 2011, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced it was implementing an emergency ban on the narcotics to "protect the public from the imminent hazard" caused by bath salts.

    Part of the "20/20? investigation described the experience of BMX rider Dickie Sanders who ingested bath salts called Cloud Nine in 2010.

    According to his parents, after taking the drug Sanders was convinced there were dozens of police cars and helicopters just outside the home, even though there were none. Then, suddenly, he grabbed a knife and sliced at his throat from ear to ear. He survived the knife wound and told his mother he had had enough.

    "He actually looked at me and said, 'I can't handle what this drug has done to me. I'm never going to touch anything again,'" Julie Sanders said.

    But hours later and without warning, Sanders had another psychotic episode and took his own life with a rifle.

    The U.S. Navy has been battling the use of bath salts and other synthetic drugs by its sailors and Navy Medicine has set up a webpage specifically to educate sailors and the public about the potentially disastrous health risks involved.

    CLICK HERE to visit Navy Medicine's webpage "Synthetic Drugs and Your Health"

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    GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Homicides in Guatemala, which has one of the world's highest murder rates, fell in 2012 for a third year as authorities ramped up their battle against Mexican drug cartels and other organized criminals, the security ministry said on Wednesday.

    The Central American nation of nearly 15 million people registered 5,174 murders in 2012, an 8.9 percent drop from 2011.

    "We have improved coordination between the state prosecutor's office and the police ... and we have a new school with more advanced training for officers," Vice-Minister of Security Arkel Benitez told Reuters.

    Guatemala has been battling a wave of violent crime for over a decade, with homicides peaking at 6,498 in 2009, giving the country one of the world's highest per capita murder rates, according to the United Nations.

    Powerful Mexican drug cartels battling for territory to ship South American cocaine to the United States have spread their brutal tactics to Guatemala, contributing to high crime rates.

    Youth street gangs known as 'Maras' also extort money from residents and businesses, often killing those who don't pay.

    President Otto Perez took office in January 2011 promising a crackdown on organized criminals. He sent 300 new elite soldiers known as 'Kaibiles' to Guatemala's porous northern border region with Mexico to fight traffickers and has installed military posts in dangerous areas of the capital city.

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    adding that 40 percent of viewing traffic on Al-Jazeera English's website is from the U.S.

    Al-Jazeera buys Current TV from Al Gore

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Al-Jazeera, the Pan-Arab news channel that struggled to win space on American cable television, has acquired Current TV, boosting its reach in the U.S. nearly ninefold to about 40 million homes. With a focus on U.S. news, it plans to rebrand the left-leaning news network that cofounder Al Gore couldn't make relevant.

    The former vice president confirmed the sale Wednesday, saying in a statement that Al-Jazeera shares Current TV's mission "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

    The acquisition lifts Al-Jazeera's reach beyond a few large U.S. metropolitan areas including New York and Washington, where about 4.7 million homes can now watch Al-Jazeera English.

    Al-Jazeera, owned by the government of Qatar, plans to gradually transform Current into a network called Al-Jazeera America by adding five to 10 new U.S. bureaus beyond the five it has now and hiring more journalists. More than half of the content will be U.S. news and the network will have its headquarters in New York, spokesman Stan Collender said.

    Collender said there are no rules against foreign ownership of a cable channel — unlike the strict rules limiting foreign ownership of free-to-air TV stations. He said the move is based on demand, adding that 40 percent of viewing traffic on Al-Jazeera English's website is from the U.S.

    "This is a pure business decision based on recognized demand," Collender said. "When people watch Al-Jazeera, they tend to like it a great deal."

    Al-Jazeera has long struggled to get carriage in the U.S., and the deal suffered an immediate casualty as Time Warner Cable Inc., the nation's second-largest cable TV operator, announced it is dropping Current TV due to the deal.

    "Our agreement with Current has been terminated and we will no longer be carrying the service. We are removing the service as quickly as possible," the company said in a statement.

    Previous to Al-Jazeera's purchase, Current TV was in 60 million homes. It is carried by Comcast Corp., which owned less than a 10 percent stake in Current TV, as well as DirecTV. Neither company announced plans to drop the channel.

    In 2010, Al-Jazeera English's managing director, Tony Burman, blamed a "very aggressive hostility" from the Bush administration for reluctance among cable and satellite companies to show the network.

    Even so, Al-Jazeera has garnered respect for its ability to build a serious news product in a short time. In a statement announcing the deal, it touted numerous U.S. journalism awards it received in 2012, including the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award Grand Prize and the Scripps Howard Award for Television/Cable In-Depth Reporting.

    But there may be a culture clash at the network. Dave Marash, a former "Nightline" reporter who worked for Al-Jazeera in Washington, said he left the network in 2008 in part because he sensed an anti-American bias there.

    Current, meanwhile, began as a groundbreaking effort to promote user-generated content. But it has settled into a more conventional format of political talk television with a liberal bent. Gore worked on-air as an analyst during its recent election night coverage.

    Its leading personalities are former New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Cenk Uygur, a former political commentator on MSNBC who hosts the show called "The Young Turks." Current signed Keith Olbermann to be its top host in 2011 but his tenure lasted less than a year before it ended in bad blood on both sides.

    Current has largely been outflanked by MSNBC in its effort be a liberal alternative to the leading cable news network, Fox News Channel.

    Current hired former CNN Washington bureau chief David Bohrman in 2011 to be its president. Bohrman pushed the network to innovate technologically, with election night coverage that emphasized a conversation over social media.

    Current TV, founded in 2005 by former vice president Gore and Joel Hyatt, is expected to post $114 million in revenue in 2013, according to research firm SNL Kagan. The firm pegged the network's cash flow at nearly $24 million a year.


    AP Television Writer David Bauder in New York contributed to this report.

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